I have the privilege of working on amazing projects with amazing people. I have highlighted a few of my current projects to give you a sense of the scope and diversity of my work. Not sure if your project fits? Please contact me. I am interested in supporting projects and initiatives that seek to support a thriving world.
Illinois Balanced and Restorative Justice Project
The Stone Soup Project
Stone Soup is a collaborative effort to create and sustain restorative justice practices in the Chicago south suburbs. The goal of the project is to reduce youth delinquency, increase positive youth development, and create safer communities. I work with Illinois Balanced and Restorative Justice Project staff, a local core team, and community partners to strengthen south suburban stakeholders’ capacity to lead, convene, and engage their communities in establishing restorative justice as a standard practice for holding young people accountable when harm is done. For more about the project, see www.facebook.com/stonesoupproject. Also, click here to watch a video where I explain the community engagement approach used for Stone Soup. This approach is core to my work. Click here for another video on the Chaordic Path, a foundational model for this work.
All Our Kids Early Childhood Networks
Network and System Capacity Development
The All Our Kids Early Childhood Networks are community-based collaborations that improve outcomes for children birth to five and their families by strengthening the local system of services and supports. Together network members generate greater collective impact by working together to create a high-quality, well-coordinated, easily accessible system. I support the local Networks through training and consultation on Participatory Leadership, Appreciative Inquiry, and the development of tools to deepen Networks’ collective capacity to enhance the local system of services and supports. For more information about the Networks, see http://www.aoknetworks.org/.
Lions Clubs International Foundation
Lions Quest Skills for Adolescence for Out-of-School Time
Lions Quest is an internationally acclaimed positive youth development program that brings together families, educators, and community members to support young people in developing their life and citizenship skills within the context of safe, caring environments. In addition to providing school-based trainings, I designed the Skills for Adolescence for Out-of-School Time Program, which includes a framework for teaching social and emotional learning, instructional and learning materials, face-to-face trainings, and webinars. I also designed and coordinated two pilot programs, including one with YMCA Community School initiatives located at six Chicago Public Schools. For more information, see http://lions-quest.org/ordermaterials.php.
Illinois Art of Hosting Community of Practice
The Illinois Art of Hosting Community of Practice (AoH CoP) is a group of practitioners who are committed to learning and practicing more effective ways of leading, convening, and engaging with others. Although the AoH CoP represents diverse systems and organizations, we share a common passion for co-creating a better world through the Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter. As an Illinois steward, I work collaboratively with others to offer learning events, host strategic conversations, and support the growth and vitality of the community. Please email me if you’re interested in joining our community of practice.