Imagine a world where all young people are developing to their highest potential, families are healthy and thriving, and communities are vibrant places where citizens are connected and engaged. What if people everywhere are living sustainability and in harmony with the natural world, and we all live in a safe, peaceful and just world?
Yet in these turbulent times, many communities and organizations that hold similar visions find it increasingly difficult to bring these visions into reality. To overcome this challenge, we need a new way of organizing human endeavors. One that is life affirming.
Living systems can teach us how complex systems change through an natural process of adaptation, growth, and renewal. In living systems, change is a constant and necessary condition. For without change, life stagnates and dies. An understanding of living systems principles can help us reframe how we think about chaos and change. Applying these principles allows us to harness our innate capacity to adapt and respond intelligently to changing conditions without the need for change management. Through Participatory Leadership, Strategic Dialogue, and Collaborative Innovation we can unleash our innate ability to learn, adapt, and renew so that we all might thrive.
Foster What Matters is driven by the audacious belief that together we have the capacity to consciously co-create the world we most desire. It was formed to explore what this means for how we lead, learn and discern wise action together.